gender and development

We Support Gender Equality

Equal opportunities should be made available and accessible to the girl child and women. Hence, at MHDev Global it is prioritized in our processes.

Gender Equality, Equity and Empowerment

We strongly believe in creating equal opportunity platforms for the girl child, women, youths and the physically challenged as no one is left behind. We do not tolerate any form of gender violence, exploitation, and abuse

Let’s Talk Numbers
Years in Business
0 +
Happy Beneficiaries
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Key Officers/Staff

Our Focus

Gender equity, Gender based violence (GBV) including Prevention of Sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA), Women economic empowerment programmes, children, and youths, Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and Right, Adolescent Health, Social Inclusion including persons with specific needs, PLWD and elderly

Our Services

Choose any of our services and beckon on us, and you will never regret you do so, as your needs will be meet and satisfaction will follow

project management

Project Management

Every stage and process in a project is important.

Research Development

Focus on targeted Research at grassroot development.

Renewable Energy

We encourage green cities and carbon footprint reduction.

Capacity Building

Continuous professional development is what we preach, learn, relearn, and unlearn.


General Procurement

We focus on sourcing quality products and timely delivery.

MHDev Digitals

Home of digital footprint and branding for your corporate look.


Safeguarding Policy

Wherever we are responding, including in development, humanitarian, and academic research or intervention, safeguarding children and adults in the communities we work in, and our staff is always our top priority. Our safeguarding commitment is to ensure that children, adults, voluntary and permanent staff are protected from both deliberate and accidental harm and abuse in all stages of the project implementation process. We do not tolerate any form of abuse or misconduct such as sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment, intimidation and bullying by our staff and volunteers, and we take all concerns seriously. Any safeguarding issue involving our staff or volunteers should be reported and it will be confidentially addressed.

Why Choose Us

The qualities below speak to who we are, our services, and the quality of professionals we parade.


We always deliver even in difficult terrains.


Our employees are skilled and motivated.


Our services are environment friendly.


Client satisfaction drives our solutions.

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